Bedroom Design for Mental Health – Everything You Need to Support a Healthy, Happy Mind!

October 21, 2024

Hey Friends! By now, most of us know that we do feel our best when we get a good night’s rest. Setting the bedroom up to be a happy, “zenful” space is really where it all begins. Bedroom design for mental health is super important. If you’re living in a cluttered space that’s collecting dust, you’re not doing your mental health any favors my friend.

The bedroom design for mental health tips below will not only help you fall in love with your bedroom again, they’ll make drifting off into dreamland a breeze. The result? Better days filled with a calmer mindset, making you ready to tackle whatever comes your way!

Bedroom Design for Mental Health – The Basics

Evaluate Your Bedroom

First things first, take a look around. Check out the layout. Are you working with a small space or a larger one? Is there anything that currently bothers you about your bedroom? Feel cluttered? Boring? Dark? Whatever you come up with, make sure you put it at the top of your bedroom to-do’s so that you can tackle the core issues first. Simple things like this should be addressed before making any moves and will play a part in what works for your bedroom design specifically.

Color Palette

If you like to paint, then you know the value and impact that a fresh coat of paint or new color scheme can have on your home. The bedroom specifically is where we spend much of our time, so choose a color that’s exactly what you want. Different colors tend to give off different vibes, which is why neutral, calming colors are often chosen for the bedroom. Consider cream colors, pale blues, chocolate browns and sage greens for 2024.

Minimalist Décor

Minimalist Décor has been popular in recent years for the entire home. Even if that isn’t necessarily your style everywhere else, I still recommend applying it in the bedroom. Clutter and over-accessorizing aren’t helpful in a bedroom. This is where less is more, and distractions aren’t beneficial when laying your head down at night. Keep unnecessary clutter off of desks, bedside tables, etc. Extra “stuff” can cause anxiety and make it harder to fall and stay asleep!

Bedroom Design – Accessories

Simple Wall Décor

I like to keep wall décor to a minimum in the bedroom too. For instance, avoid putting up collage walls or massive photo walls that overwhelm the room. Something like this is simple, yet interesting. It adds just enough to a room without going crazy. You’ll obviously need to find something that works for your color scheme and wall space, but the point is, keep it simple and low-key.

Black-Out Curtains or Window Treatments

Aim for any type of window treatment that is capable of blocking out the light at night. During the day, most of us want as much natural light to flow through as we can. It energizes us! But I notice a major difference in how I sleep when I don’t block out that light. This is my number one tip for getting a solid night’s rest that is uninterrupted and consistent. By far one of the most important parts of bedroom design for mental health!

Bedroom Light

Blocking out light at night is important, but there are many more elements of lighting that impact the bedroom. If you have a lot of windows, make sure you accent them accordingly to fit your needs. Window treatments help with lighting, ambiance, and temperature regulation too. If it seems dark in the room overall, consider adding some lamps to your bedside table. Not only is the right lamp nice visually, it’s also a great way of winding down at night. Dim lighting signals to the brain that it’s time to start relaxing and preparing for a good night’s rest!

Bedroom Lamp
The Perfect Bedding

Bedding is crucial. Take time here to find something you truly love. Some of the things I personally shop for are super soft, breathable cotton sheets. They seem to get softer with each wash and keep us cool at night. I also look for washable comforters or duvet covers because we have pets! So something I can easily throw in the wash is necessary to keep it clean and free of allergens. If you happen to be a restless sleeper or have someone in the home who is, I highly recommend trying out a weighted blanket. This has been a game-changer for our son!


Choosing pillows can be a tall task, especially if you suffer from aches and pains. The thing I’ve found is that trying out different kinds of pillows is a must. No two people will likely be the same in terms of pillow needs. Consider memory foam, down or down-alternative, Latex or Cotton filled to name just a few. Each style combined with different levels of firmness, cooling abilities, personal sleep positions and longevity is a lot to sort out. However, it’s really important to take the time to do it. You may not even realize the effects of the wrong pillow until you find the right one!

Pillow Cases

Ever slept on a satin pillowcase? You should! I’m obsessed with how luxurious they feel while keeping me cool at night, especially in the summer months. You can find them at a ton of price points. Did I mention they are fabulous for your hair and skin? It’s a Win Win!

Coziness Wins

I’m always searching for all the cozy things. Cozy accessories are a great way to add in simple decorative layers to the room while keeping the design neutral and intriguing to the eye. A throw blanket on the corner of the bed, or some soft faux-fur accent pillows on a well-made bed will add the perfect touch to where you lay your head at night!

Bedroom Lifestyle for Mental Health

Bedroom & Closet Organization 

Now that you’ve got your bedroom design sorted out, it’s time to focus on the lifestyle aspect. Check out your closets, look under your bed, and inside your drawers. If it looks chaotic, it will feel chaotic whether other people see it or not. So make it a point to declutter and organize regularly, it really does make my days flow easier when my home organization is on point.

Keep it Clean

Hidden allergens, dust and germs can linger deep within our bedroom. Giving it a proper cleaning that includes dusting, vacuuming, and washing bedding regularly means you can rest better and BREATHE better at night. Air quality filters like this one are recently very popular, and for good reason. They have shown to greatly improve air quality and are a necessity if you’re someone that suffers from allergies or has pets in the home.

Bedroom Design Aromatherapy

You don’t need to be an essential oil enthusiast to incorporate and infuse your room with moisture and fabulous aromas. Scents can have a major impact on our moods. So if it’s through a wall plug-in, a candle or an infuser, go sample some scents to see what you love. For rest and relaxation, lavender is always a popular choice. We also like eucalyptus, lemon or citrus scents! The aroma in your room should be one that doesn’t overwhelm, relaxes you, and leaves you feeling peaceful!

Sound Machine

This is one that I simply cannot live without. We started using sound machines for our babies to help them sleep peacefully at night. Now, some type of background sound is a must for everyone in our home. There are a ton of sound machines available featuring the sound of white noise, rain storms, ocean waves, etc. You can also ask your smart devices to play sleep sounds for you throughout the night! Try “Hey Alexa! Please Play Ocean Waves.”

Practice “Nothingness”

Take just 5 to 10 minutes to meditate or do nothing at all prior to bed. Meditation is said to be a learned habit. Don’t put pressure on yourself, and remember, it doesn’t matter if you are “doing it right”. The point is to do nothing and connect with your breath. Put the phone down, turn the TV off, dim the lights, and hear absolutely nothing. You can also try listening to the sounds of nature or a free guided meditation if that works for you!

Bedroom Design Meditation
Saying Goodnight

I left this little mention for last because, well… it’s hard! Keep the TV out of your bedroom, or at least avoid watching it before bed. For years we would lounge before bed watching a show and often fall asleep with the TV on. But honestly? There is so much truth behind the fact that we all sleep better without TV time.

Bedroom design for mental health upgrades are a gift to yourself. Your mind and body will appreciate your bedroom being a space for sleep and rejuvenation, and not one for entertainment and play. Designate a different area of the house for those types of activities and you’ll be amazed by how your sleep patterns change and your well-being improves.

What do you think? Are you in need of a bedroom design update?

Remember friends, just as the great Ice Cube once said… Chickity Check yo’ self before you wreck yo’ self.

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A version of this post was originally written by me and posted on
